Colossians 1:11
Strengthened with all might according to His glorious power, for all patience and long-suffering with joy.
Paul addressing the church of Colosse while being imprisoned with Onesimus, speaks so clearly to us, while being shackled up. Our faith becomes stronger during tribulations when we rely on Jesus Christ. We can only endure what we do, because of Christ. Our strength comes from Christ and Christ alone.
I think of Samson. Judges 14:19 explains it so well, “Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Him mightily and he went down to Ashkelon and killed thirty of their men, took their apparel, and gave the changes of clothing to those who had explained the riddle.”
Samson was only capable of doing what He did because of the Spirit of the Lord. And it's the same today. We are only able to perservere and endure during hardships because of Christ. Will I heed His call? Will I discover the power of the resurrection?
He continues this verse by saying…”all patience and long suffering with joy.” The hardships and trials I endure produce something amazing. Coming straight from my father who is in heaven, JOY. And I get it in a way that is so abundant that it never runs out. The same blood that was poured out for me on calvary, calls out to me, and pursues me.
I want to be strengthened by all might. His might. Able to produce patience and long-suffering. Having epilepsy has enabled me to see things in a new perspective. Looking back I see the pain it has caused many. Unexpectedly of course. Tomorrow I will cause those whom have witnessed an episode. Because just as much as I suffered they suffered with me.
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