Amos 3:3

“Can two walk together unless they are agreed.”

The answer to this rhetorical question is an astounding NO. The lord in this passage asks 7 questions that demonstrate God's judgement and justice to the nation of Israel. He wants to show the nation of Israel His authority and His power.The only other time this is done, is in Hosea, when the Lord is making a comparison between Israel and the rest of the nations surrounding it. The only other question is why can't this be done.
Matthew 18:20 Tells us, “For where two or more are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Christ is there amongst those who have an issue to resolve. It's more powerful when two children of God come together rather than 1000 people coming together trying to end bullying. Because the spirit of God is with them, there is no divide. Why is this? The two believers will pray seeking the father's will, wanting His will to be done rather then there's.
My mind finalizes on marriage. Its takes unity for a marriage to stand. If they are not agreed, for sure they can not walk together. “ A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Warren puts it this way, “In marriage, “two become one,” and this miracle must never be forgotten...Marriage isn't a fifty-fifty partnership; its a 100 percent stewardship in which each mate lives for the other and both live for the Lord.” The way the lord wants spouses to live is according to the spirit and in unity, to complete the work that he has started in them prior to being married.


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