Job 23:10
“When He has tried me, I shall come forth as Gold.”
I love the book of Job. It was great reading it at a young age, not knowing fully what was happening to this man and thinking, “Sheesh that poor man. Why doesn't He just call it quits, Curse God, and set himself on fire.” But as you grow and mature in your faith, as circumstances mold you, the realization comes to you, I am Job. This is my story.
We see in Chapter 22 Eliphaz the Temanite make his final response to Job. In verse 23 he says, “If you return to the almighty, you shall be built up, you shall put away iniquities far from the tabernacles.” Jobs problem had nothing to do with acknowledging sin. In fact job had no problem at all.
One thing about Job; he was immovable. Not just because of who he was, but because of who he was in Christ. His circumstances were not immovable, “his friends” were not immovable, He knew these things confidently. He knew these things because of the faith he had in Christ and not in man. We know the story of Job, “trial after trial, testing after testing,” one thing will remain. The great thing about trials, they are either building blocks, or stumbling blocks, (coming from Christ all trials are meant to be building blocks) but at the end of the day, they show where we stand with Christ. Warren Wiersbe said “Pain purifies. Pain draws the Christian closer to Christ. Pain glorifies God. We must remember that pain today means glory and honor tomorrow.” I believe with all my heart, that Job understood what this meant to the fullest extent, otherwise he wouldn’t have stated what he said in verse 10. Whatever we are facing today is not impossible for God to move. Psalm 91:11 says “ For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” It is true when stated that Christ truly does want the best for us.
We all have the opportunity to come forth as Gold. When trials come our way, look to heaven. Put God first no matter the circumstance or trial, and see to it that you are being refined just as gold, therefore you will become Gold.
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