Philippians 3:11
“If, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
Reading this verse reminds me of a passage in Revelation, which just gives me so much hope. “And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.” Paul knew one day that he would die, (as we all will) but that didn't stop him from walking in the promises and callings God had for Him. He knew that one day, he would be resurrected to be with God. It wasn't from anything he did, or by his own strength, but by faith. This same power that raised Christ from the dead, will one day raise us back to life.
I love how you get to read through Paul's letters, and no matter what he is going through, you can sense his humility. I mean, at this point he is talking about the power of the resurrection, and still, he is so humble with the way he speaks (writes). He could boast in himself and say, “Listen guys, when I die, I know I’m going to heaven. I got my ticket. “ But we know that Confidence without humility is arrogance, and that's not who Paul was. He says “If, by any means..” So gentle, knowing that the power that he has, he is not worthy, or deserving of. Paul had sacrificed so much of his early life “kicking against the goads,” but now, this is a different man. A man who sacrificed everything for the Gospel.
We know His Word says, that Paul is resurrected in heaven united with the father. He has attained because he had faith. Faith, in who God was, in who God is, and what God can accomplish.. by any means.
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