2 Kings 4:3

“So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”

One of my favorite chapters of 2 Kings. As I see fear being turned into faith.  We see Elisha presented with a certain situation and he just acts as the lord guides him. He becomes this amazing vessel, for this lady to rely on. Now, this lady just lost her husband, and was in debt and the creditors were coming to get her two sons so that they can make them work as slaves. She became fearful. She just lost her husband now she is going to lose her sons? So when she was asked “ what do you have in your house?”  was it reasonable for her to respond that way? “Your maidservant has nothing in the house…” Fear will always gets the best of us if we allow it to. She then remembers ..”but a jar of oil.” But Gods grace. But God's promise. But God. The way that God works is by turning the little that we have into abundance. Overflow. More than we can handle. So whether she had little faith, little oil, the Lord used what she offered and gave her what she desired.
One thing I love about reading the word of God, we can all get something different out of it. And as i read this section, I can't help but picture her weeping and as she says she has nothing the Lord reminds her “No, you have that jar of oil.” Who knows, maybe she wanted to keep it to herself. Maybe she completely forgot about it and and saw no use for it. OH what the Lord does with the Little!
We have all been through this stage of life. Maybe we are in this stage. Darkness. Fearful. Jealous. Envious. Feeling like we are losing it all. But God is showing you the top shelf. Theres oil. There's faith. And are you going to move? She would not have paid the debt off if she would not have gone out to her neighbors, and collected the empty vessels to fill with oil. “Go borrow vessels from everywhere , from all your neighbors- empty vessels, not just a few.” God will provide, but you have to move. That's something that i've learned here at IGNITE, the Lord is more then able to provide. But I have to get up and move! I've prayed at times saying lord, light a fire under my butt because i desire for something but i have no will to go and get it.” AND that's just laziness. But i've also learned that sometimes the Lord wants to strip us down to completely nothing so that He can show us that HE is our everything. There's nothing wrong with having nothing, as long as the Lord is your all.

But this points us to Christ. There is no room for fear, condemnation and whatever else we may be struggling with. We are the vessels, and Christ is that which is the fulfillment... beautiful sweet smelling oil. The oil was  what set her and her sons free from the debt. She was set free and her sons lived on the rest of the oil that remained! That's amazing! Set free and living free. Thats huge. She said she only had a jar of oil., but what she saw as little, God saw as abundant.


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