Jeremiah 33:3
“Call to me and I will answer You and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.”
Jeremiah being approached by God a second time while being in prison, was being woken up. A call to intimacy. We know Jeremiah was thrown in prison because they wanted him to be silent, to stop prophesying, and to stop doing the work of God. We just don't know what Jeremiah was doing while he was in prison. The enemy wanting to keep him silent and take away those visions.Accusations like “ you're in prison Jeremiah, no one can hear you. Who is going to believe you.”
The awesome thing about this part of scripture is how we see God reach out to Jeremiah..a second time. We don’t know what happened the first time but it's the second time that caught Jeremiah's attention. Sometimes the first time is not enough because we are still stuck in fear and are captivated by the lies. The enemies attempt to shut us up is just enough. Jeremiah was in prison and was left without a voice. He needed to be reminded of what his mission was. It’s important to note that the life we live is not just that of God talking to us. But that of Relationship. Intimacy. Vulnerability. Jeremiah was being reminded that Intimacy is Essential. “ Call to me, and I will Answer You..”
Jeremiah learned through a hardship that when we cling to the Father, we gain insight into His heart and mind. But that doesn't come by sitting, doing nothing, and running from God. It indeed is the complete opposite. Pursuing. Reaching. Climbing. Calling. In that moment something had to be worked out in Jeremiah. And in that moment Jeremiah never saw God the same. And the same is true for us.
This verse became real for me this past week when I had one seizure and then another. Two in one day. It's not the first time it's happened but this time, was different. I felt my heart become hard, and my spirit man very angry. And sooner than later, I had nothing to say. I was a silent human being. As the week continued I was reminded of where my heart was. Focused on self and not willing to budge. The lord in His goodness reminded me of who He is. Lamentations 3:32-33 reminds us though he causes grief, yet he will show compassion according to the multitude of mercies. For He does not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men.” I wanted the Lord so badly to take away my epilepsy. For so long, ive just carried it as a burden. Yet, in His goodness, just like Jeremiah, the Lord came to me and said “Come to me.” And as He spoke, I saw how dark and selfish I was. The Lord wants me to rejoice in these trials, why was i finding that so hard to do?
This is a relationship. And truth is, i was just receiving. Going to God with my wants and needs and just receiving. And the biggest thing I wanted Him to take from me, was my sickness. My epilepsy has been my prison for far too long. Its a trial. Trials when approached the correct way, don't make you bitter, they reveals what's bitter in your heart. “Though He was a son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” The Lord has shown me the mighty things He can accomplish when I call to Him. Worship Him. Acknowledge Him. Submit to Him. And that might not mean healing in this life. And I can peacefully, and joyfully say I'm okay with that. It's what He has been trying to show me all along.
“Praise the Lord of Hosts, For the Lord is Good. For His mercy Endures FOREVER!!”
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