Ephesians 5:21

“Submitting to one another in the fear of God”
Something that many people find very hard to do is submitting to each other in the fear of the Lord. I love this verse, because it’s something that I found myself struggling with, without even realizing it. We can take a look at the Israelites and laugh at them. The first generation didn’t make it through because they didn’t trust, or submit, and all they did was complain. Clearly Moses was chosen by God to lead them into the promise land, he was their authority, they were supposed to submit to him. We already know that they did not trust the Lord, let alone trust Moses? “You led us out here to die. We were better off in egypt as slaves.” How do we expect to make it to the other side if we don't trust the person whom God has put in charge.
Its laughable but very true, and we have all been there or may be there. Can you imagine being here at Ignite, trusting that the Lord is going to work out something amazing, but you don't trust the person He has put in charge? You’re walking around with a yoke, that you’re not meant to carry. That’s not submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord. Let alone trusting the Lord. True fear of the Lord produces understanding respect, and submittance! I’d be able to accept the rebuke, and chastening that comes from a brother and sister in Christ.
Norman Vincent Peale said “The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” Some of us struggle with submitting because it comes with its criticisms. It comes with spreading the good news. We have to learn how to let criticism mold rather than destroy. In that moment we then start to fear the creator, rather than creation.

To submit to those above me. I will accept criticism when it comes my way.


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