Romans 6:16

“Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that ones slaves whom you obey whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” Romans 6:16

Paul addresses the Romans in a different manner, asking them, “do you not know you are slaves to obedience, and your old masters, you have the power to rule over them?” At this time many Romans were asking questions, converting but going back to their old ways so easily. Paul wanted to get one thing across: yes you are slaves. No you are not to go back to the old lifestyle you used to live. Paul would say in verse 15 “What Then? shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!” Like people today, many of the Romans were double minded in that way, is this for the law, or for the cross? And if it's for the cross then He will forgive me. Paul would simply say obey, but be careful which one you choose to obey.
I am reminded of a song by Citizens Way “ I used to live like I was under attack/ dodging arrows from my past/ I had no hope for tomorrow. Felt too much pressure, yes I thought I would crack/ But now there's no looking back I'm moving forward cuz I know.” The key word here is “used to” He used to live like He was under attack but then realized the power that came from the cross. He became a slave to obedience and his old masters were just that, old masters.
We are slaves to righteousness. When we accepted Christ into our lives, a target was set on our backs and a path set before us. Who knew that the path would be through the hills and valleys? These things are necessary to get us to cling to God. To get us to realize that we can do anything without our Lord and Savior. Without those things set above me, I have no order in my life. I remain prideful and chase after my own selfish ambitions. I need to obey HIm..HIs calling.
A passage like this deserves to be tattooed on my wrist. But that's what the cross is for. My daily reminder. This week I will write this verse on an index card as a reminder that its the Lord's will that I am to obey, and I am no longer a slave to my old masters.


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