Anything is possible

Its been a month. since arriving in Guatemala. 4 months since leaving my comfort zone in New Jersey, and one week since my last seizure. And in all of this, I have learned the Lord is working and I can have joy. I'm not alone in anything that I do, or anything that I go through.  There is such a great work that is being done, and has to continue to be done. This is such a huge opportunity, to be apart of something bigger than myself.
Guatemala, is beautiful. The people, the food, the culture. There is a cry, and hunger for the Lord here. Its seen in the children, its seen in the parents. They want change. They want the Lord. Ill admit, it was hard not knowing what to do or what to say, because I "couldn't speak" their language. But it was through this struggle that I learned we have a God who is so much bigger. Immutable. That's not to say I give up on studying Spanish (trust me i'm studying) But its to say that the Lord works through those barriers.
My team and I got the wonderful opportunity to perform our mime at the arch, (pictured below) and God truly did show up. Lives being renewed, and families being restored. I had never seen anything like it. Nor have i ever been apart of something like this. Anything is possible!

"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?" 
Romans 8:31


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