Ezekiel 37

“And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So i answered, O Lord God, You know.” And He said to me, Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord!” 3-4

This chapter of Ezekiel is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. We have the prophet Ezekiel being taken into a valley of dry bones. Israel at this point was in Babylonian exile, and crying out to the Lord, but the way he would use ezekiel at this time blows me away every single time.
We know at this point Israel is spiritually dead and is in desperate need of a fresh outpouring. They lack motivation, and they can't seem to remember what it was God did to restore and bring them out of the land of Egypt. I like to look at the bones and make the connection with America and its state today. For sure we lack motivation, and for sure “Land of the free, home of the brave” has lost its substance. A generation has risen up, where we no longer want  remember what it is that God has done for us, has promised to us and will fulfill. We are the valley of dry bones.
I love Ezekiel's humbling answer. “O lord God you know.” Truly, a man who has seen God's power, and who understands His sovereignty will have this response. A man who has been a witness, and can attest to everything the Lord has done in and through His life. A man who can remember.  The Lord knew exactly what Ezekiel's response would be, and the fact that the Lord would ask Him anyway, Astonishing.
Prophesy to these bones. I love When the Lord commands. With power, authority and life. He is already sure of the out come. So why do we worry? The Lord does not command to not tell us the outcome or atleast without direction.. Prophesy to these bones..so they may hear, so they may have life.  And obedience follows.

Ezekiel 37 is powerful. And there's so much in it that can represent the past present and future of the lives of family and friends and even myself. It's a passage that is set as a reminder to me, that what is dead can be brought to life. There's nothing out of the reach of God. He is my healer, deliverer, restorer, redeemer, and resurrection. What He did to these bones He can surely do to a friend, state, nation or church. If I want a revival, a revival is what I will get. There will be some movement, some rattling, and shaking. My response must be that of Ezekiel's, yielding to the father's voice, having vision, and faith! ‘Lord, only you know!’


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